What to Ask Your Farmer

The Midwestern Plate advocates purchasing products from local farmers who use sustainable farming practices and have a high standard for animal welfare.

Supporting small, local farmers is vital to keeping our food system nutritious and diverse. In getting to know your farmer, there are some questions to consider asking before purchasing. This information should also be included on their website as well.

Transparency and clarity are vital in making decisions of choice.

Farmers should be able to provide information to all of your questions without hesitation. This is not to say that you should interrogate them! Look to see if they have information posted anywhere and work these questions into a conversation if needed.

In building relationships it is important to remember to be polite, respectful, and gracious as all farmers work extremely hard.

What farming system(s) do you model your farm after?
Do you have any certifications?
Do you grow/raise all of the products that you sell?
What kind of pest control measures do you use?
What do you feed your animals?
Was there supplemental food?
If yes, when was it provided and what was it?
How often are animals on pasture?
What grazing system(s) do you practice?
What housing do you use for the animals?
What is your stance on antibiotics and growth hormones?
Do you use farrowing or gestation crates?
Can I visit your farm?