Navigating Animal Welfare

There are certain organizations and programs that hold national and international standards for Animal Welfare that farms and producers can chose to participate in.

Listed below are three organizations that we feel are most common in consumer purchasing settings. You will find a brief overview including the programs certification standards and where to learn more.

Additionally, we have provided a quick comparison chart which can be found here:

Animal Welfare Approved

This program was created by the Animal Welfare Institute and is administered by A Greener World (AGW). Certified Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) by AGW is an independent, USDA third party approved, nonprofit farm certification program that audits and certifies qualifying farmers, including slaughter facilities for Red meat and Poultry. (more)


Certified Humane

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is a third-party nonprofit organization that promotes improving the lives of animals in food production from birth to death. HFAC created the Certified Humane Raised & Handled program for meat, dairy, eggs, and poultry. This program is endorsed by over 70 humane organizations, including the ASPCA. Slaughter facilities are audited by HFAC. (more)

Global Animal Partnership

The global Animal Partnership (GAP) is a nonprofit that has a rating system 1-5+ of various farm animals and products. GAP defines animal welfare in three components, Health & Productivity, Natural Living, and Emotional Well Being. (more)

Not all farms participate in these certifications and still provide extraordinary care and love for their animals. It is important to know your farmer, their values, and how that translates into the products that they offer.

Click here for a downloadable list of references used for Animal Welfare.
