Support LGBTQI+

We have listed Books, Publications, Podcasts, Videos, Organizations,
and ways that we can support LGBTQI+
(Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transexual, Intersectional, +)
farmers and organizations.

We encourage you to read, learn, share,
and make a change today.


Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest by Will Fellows

Lesbian Land by Joyce Cheney

Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America by Mary L. Gray

Prairie Silence: A Memoir by Melanie Hoffert


Eat Queer

A community-driven directory of queer food and drink establishments that will serve as a free travel and culinary resource.

LGBTQ Oral History Hub

Connecting scholars, activists, and archives across Canada and the U.S. to produce a collaborative, digital history hub for gay, lesbian, queer, and trans* oral histories.

Cultivating Change Foundation

Valuing and elevating LGBT agriculturists through advocacy, education, and community.

Southerners On New Ground

SONG envisions a sustainable South that embodies the best of its freedom traditions and works towards the transformation of our economic, social, spiritual, and political relationships. 

Press On

Press On is a Southern collective that strengthens and expands the practice of journalism in service of liberation.

Lesbian Natural Resources

Lesbian Natural Resources (LNR) is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to support Lesbian community land projects.

Invisible Histories Project

Designed to be a repository for the preservation of the history of LGBTQ life first in the state of Alabama and then the entire Southeast.


Country Queer - Podcast

Farming For Justice - Queering Sustainable Ag - Video

LGBTQ Oral History Hub

Milwaukee Transgender Oral History Project

Think: Sustainability Podcast - Queer Farmers



Jarry is a biannual print magazine that explores where food and queer culture intersect.

Relational Agriculture: Gender, Sexuality, and Sustainability in U.S. Farming by Isaac Sohn Leslie, Jaclyn Wypler & Michael Mayerfeld Bell