
Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is a third-party nonprofit organization that promotes improving the lives of animals in food production from birth to death. HFAC created the Certified Humane Raised & Handled program for meat, dairy, eggs, and poultry. This program is endorsed by over 70 humane organizations, including the ASPCA. Slaughter facilities are audited by HFAC.

Certification Standards
100% of standards must be met in order to be certified. Standards include the treatment of breeding animals, animals during transport, and slaughter. Animals must not be kept in cages, crates, or be tethered. No hormones can be used, and antibiotics are reserved for sick animals only. An approved list of parasite treatment options must also be followed in order to stay within compliance. There are space and environmental requirement standards for animals raised indoors, however, access to the outdoors is not required for egg-laying hens, meat birds, or pigs. Beak trimming of hens and turkeys and tail docking of pigs are allowed under specific circumstances. Windbreaks and shade are required. Welfare orientated slaughter standards, including emergency on-farm euthanasia, must also be met in order to stay in compliance. Farms must pay applicable dues.

To learn more visit:
Certified Humane


Animal Welfare Approved
Global Animal Partnership
Animal Welfare Charts
Animal Welfare Glossary

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